Novosti i savjeti iz svijeta coachinga
Lord Darth Vader – master of crisis management and personal branding
As I wrote in a previous post Darth Vader is an ultimate villain and one of the worst leaders ever on silver screen (second only to Charlie Chaplin in The Great Dictator). However he had some “star” leadership moments, especially in terms of personal brand building and crisis and project
![darth wader executive coaching leadership mentoring](
Lord Darth Vader – Executive coaching and Leadership mentoring lessons
Though at times he was very effective Lord Darth Vader proved not to be a great leader. His leadership lacked a lot of executive coaching and leadership mentoring: Darth’s worst leadership traits: 1. Failure to motivate and develop subordinates“Lifting up” of subordinates was a strong Darth’s leadership feature… however it was
![cat chicken hybrid M&A integration](
M&A integration is all about managing people, which requires true leadership, executive coaching and leadership mentoring
Why so many M&A transactions fail to create value during integration and what does this have to do with people leadership and executive coaching? Research of McKinsey , Bain&Company and Harvard University show that between 70-80% of synergies in M&A transactions are not achieved. Engaging in acquisition is a lot
![all blacks teamwork leadership](
Teamwork like no other… why All Blacks are so powerful and what we can apply in business coaching
For those of you who don’t know… once upon a time in my teenage years and early university I did play rugby… and what I learnt then was the huge value of a team member being there when you could not go on alone… It had profound impact on my
![all blacks teamwork leadership](
Teamwork like no other… why All Blacks are so powerful and what we can apply in business coaching
For those of you who don’t know… once upon a time in my teenage years and early university I did play rugby… and what I learnt then was the huge value of a team member being there when you could not go on alone… It had profound impact on my
![Expertive coaching](
Role of first bosses in making of a leader…
This post is a tribute to my first bosses who were truly providing me leadership mentoring. One gave me unlimited trust, helped me to develop and focus my result orientation, which on downside made me un-diplomatic and abrasive. The other gave me frank feedback and mentored me on how to
![change management - comparison of sharp and dull employees](
Upravljanje promjenama – Zašto “najoštriji” ljudi nisu dovoljni
Današnja objava posvećena je svim ljudima koji su ikada radili za mene, a nisu (ili barem ne u pravom trenutku) dobili adekvatno priznanje za svoj doprinos i pomoć u promjeni upravljanja koja bi bila mnogo teža bez njih. U većini slučajeva, ti ljudi imali su iznimno iskustvo, integritet i predanost