Technologist Coaching

Technologies develop very fast driving the growth of companies and needed management capacity increase. Failures cost companies millions of dollars. Ineffective communication is often the culprit. Build relationships between your business and technology teams to boost the success of your technology investments.

Standing Still is Not an Option

New technologies are at the heart of most organizational change. So it is essential that business and technology executives learn how to collaborate effectively. Having worked in that environment as an executive (including managing IT departments) in major companies himself, Miro understands exactly what it takes to cultivate cohesive business and technology teams that speak the same language and share a vision for success.

Turning project managers and engineers into leaders

Often excellent engineers and project managers must transition from driving small fast organisations in fast paced product developement to managing large stable cash flow driven businesses. Miro assesses the company and  group dynamics and surfaces underlying governance policies and conflicting work styles and/or personalities that are creating friction and preventing progress. He works with business and technology executives one-on-one or in a group setting, depending on what is the best approach to build the team.

Want to find out what type of leader you are?

Take the 12-question quiz and find out what your leadership style is (autocratic, democratic or casual)

The quiz lasts 3 minutes

BOND2 - Mentoring entirely sponsored by the EU

Miroslav is also a certified member of the Mentor network within the BOND2 program funded by the EU.

BOND2 provides entrepreneurs with support in the development of their companies through a mentoring program that is fully financed by HAMAG/BICRO and the European Union. This gives you the opportunity to get up to 30 hours of mentoring free of charge from a top-notch mentor who is funded by funds earmarked for the BOND 2 program.

For more details click HERE